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Represents point-to-point SIP relationships. It roughly corresponds to a SIP dialog. In particular, for UAs it maintains (or is otherwise associated with) dialog state so as to be able to create subequent requests belonging to that dialog (using createRequest).

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For UACs, SipSession extend the notion of SIP dialogs to have well-defined state before a dialog has been established and after a final non-2xx terminates an early dialog. This allows UACs to create 'subsequent' requests without having an established dialog. The effect is that the subsequent request will have the same Call-ID, From and To headers (with the same From tag and without a To tag), the will exist in the same CSeq space.

The javax.servlet.sip package is the API for the SIP Servlets developed under JSR 289, this v1.1 version obsoletes v1.0. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to establish, modify, and tear down IP multimedia sessions including IP telephony, presence, instant messaging besides other SIP applications. SIP requests and responses may be generated by any SIP user agent; user agents are divided into clients (UACs), which initiate requests, and servers (UASes), which respond to them. 1: §8 A single user agent may act as both UAC and UAS for different transactions: 1: p26 for example, a SIP phone is a user agent that will be a UAC when. 1-VoIP's owners have a telecom background spanning over 40 years of experience. After transitioning to VoIP in 2005, the company built a solid reputation of reliability and customer satisfaction. Paired with excellent customer service and technical support, 1-VoIP established itself as a dominant name in the VoIP industry. SIP requests and responses may be generated by any SIP user agent; user agents are divided into clients (UACs), which initiate requests, and servers (UASes), which respond to them. 1: §8 A single user agent may act as both UAC and UAS for different transactions: 1: p26 for example, a SIP phone is a user agent that will be a UAC when. The Session Initiation Protocol ( SIP) is a signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, and terminating real-time sessions that include voice, video and messaging applications. SIP is used for signaling and controlling multimedia communication sessions in applications of Internet telephony for voice and video calls, in private IP.

All messages are potentially associated with a SipSession. The SipSession can be retrieved from the message by calling SipServletMessage.getSession().

Nested Class Summary
static classSipSession.State
Possible SIP dialog states from SipSession FSM.
Method Summary
SipServletRequestcreateRequest(java.lang.String method)
Returns a new request object.
Returns the application session with which this SipSession is associated.
java.lang.ObjectgetAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name.
Returns an Enumeration over the String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session.
Returns the Call-ID for this SipSession.
Returns the time when this session was created, measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this session.
Returns true if the container will notify the application when this SipSession is in the ready-to-invalidate state.
Returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
Returns the Address identifying the local party.
This method allows the application to obtain the region it was invoked in for this SipSession.
Returns the Address identifying the remote party.
Returns the ServletContext to which this session belongs.
Returns the current SIP dialog state, which is one of INITIAL, EARLY, CONFIRMED, or TERMINATED.
Returns the URI of the subscriber for which this application is invoked to serve.
Invalidates this session and unbinds any objects bound to it.
Returns true if this session is in a ready-to-invalidate state.
Returns true if this SipSession is valid, false otherwise.
voidremoveAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Removes the object bound with the specified name from this session.
voidsetAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object attribute)
Binds an object to this session, using the name specified.
voidsetHandler(java.lang.String name)
Sets the handler for this SipSession.
voidsetInvalidateWhenReady(boolean invalidateWhenReady)
Specifies whether the container should notify the application when the SipSession is in the ready-to-invalidate state as defined above.
voidsetOutboundInterface( address)
In multi-homed environment this method can be used to select the outbound interface to use when sending requests for this SipSession.
voidsetOutboundInterface( address)
In multi-homed environment this method can be used to select the outbound interface and source port number to use when sending requests for this SipSession.
Method Detail


Returns the time when this session was created, measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
a long specifying when this session was created, expressed in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 GMT


Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this session. The identifier is assigned by the servlet container and is implementation dependent.
a string specifying the identifier assigned to this session


Returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT. Actions that your application takes, such as getting or setting a value associated with the session, do not affect the access time.
a long representing the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, expressed in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 GMT

Sip 1 1 1 1


Invalidates this session and unbinds any objects bound to it.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Returns true if this session is in a ready-to-invalidate state. A SipSession is in the ready-to-invalidate state under any of the following conditions:
  1. The SipSession transitions to the TERMINATED state.
  2. The SipSession transitions to the COMPLETED state when it is acting as a non-record-routing proxy.
  3. The SipSession acting as a UAC transitions from the EARLY state back to the INITIAL state on account of receiving a non-2xx final response and has not initiated any new requests (does not have any pending transactions).
true if the session is in ready-to-invalidate state, false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Specifies whether the container should notify the application when the SipSession is in the ready-to-invalidate state as defined above. The container notifies the application using the SipSessionListener.sessionReadyToInvalidate callback.
invalidateWhenReady - if true, the container will observe this session and notify the application when it is in the ready-to-invalidate state. The session is not observed if the flag is false. The default is true for v1.1 applications and false for v1.0 applications.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session
See Also:
isReadyToInvalidate(), SipSessionListener.sessionReadyToInvalidate(SipSessionEvent se)


Returns true if the container will notify the application when this SipSession is in the ready-to-invalidate state.
value of the invalidateWhenReady flag
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session
See Also:


Returns the application session with which this SipSession is associated. If none exists, then a new one is created and returned after associating it with this SipSession.
the application session for this SipSession


Returns the Call-ID for this SipSession. This is the value of the Call-ID header for all messages belonging to this session.
the Call-ID for this SipSession


Returns the Address identifying the local party. This is the value of the From header of locally initiated requests in this leg.
address of local party


Returns the Address identifying the remote party. This is the value of the To header of locally initiated requests in this leg.


Returns a new request object. This method is used by user agents only.

Note that this method must not be used to create ACK or CANCEL requests. User agents create ACKs by calling SipServletResponse.createAck() and CANCELs are created by calling SipServletRequest.createCancel().

method - the SIP method of the new request
the new request object
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if method is not a syntactically valid SIP method or if it's 'ACK' or 'CANCEL'
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this SipSession has been invalidated or if this SipSession is in the INITIAL state and there is an ongoing transaction or if this SipSession is in the TERMINATED state


Sets the handler for this SipSession. This method can be used to explicitly specify the name of the servlet which should handle all subsequently received messages for this SipSession. The servlet must belong to the same application (i.e. same ServletContext) as the caller.
name - name of the servlet to be invoked for incoming SIP messages belonging to this SipSession
javax.servlet.ServletException - if no servlet with the specified name exists in this application
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name.
name - a string specifying the name of the object
the object with the specified name
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the name is null.


Returns an Enumeration over the String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session.
an Enumeration over the String objects specifying the names of all the objects bound to this session
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Binds an object to this session, using the name specified. If an object of the same name is already bound to the session, the object is replaced.
name - the name to which the object is bound; cannot be null
attribute - the object to be bound; cannot be null
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session
java.lang.NullPointerException - on null name or attribute.


Removes the object bound with the specified name from this session. If the session does not have an object bound with the specified name, this method does nothing.
name - the name of the object to remove from this session
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Returns the current SIP dialog state, which is one of INITIAL, EARLY, CONFIRMED, or TERMINATED. These states are defined in RFC3261.
the current SIP dialog state
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


In multi-homed environment this method can be used to select the outbound interface and source port number to use when sending requests for this SipSession. The specified address must be the address of one of the configured outbound interfaces. The set of SipURI objects which represent the supported outbound interfaces can be obtained from the servlet context attribute named javax.servlet.sip.outboundInterfaces.

The port is interpreted as an advice by the app to the container. If the port of the socket address has a non-zero value, the container will make a best-effort attempt to use it as the source port number for UDP packets, or as a source port number for TCP connections it originates. If the port is not available, the container will use its default port allocation scheme.

Invocation of this method also impacts the system headers generated by the container for this SipSession, such as the the Via and the Contact headers. The IP address part of the socket address is used to construct these system headers.

address - the socket address which represents the outbound interface
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the address is not understood by the container as one of its outbound interfaces
java.lang.NullPointerException - on null address


In multi-homed environment this method can be used to select the outbound interface to use when sending requests for this SipSession. The specified address must be the address of one of the configured outbound interfaces. The set of SipURI objects which represent the supported outbound interfaces can be obtained from the servlet context attribute named javax.servlet.sip.outboundInterfaces.

Invocation of this method also impacts the system headers generated by the container for this message, such as the the Via and the Contact header. The supplied IP address is used to construct these system headers.

address - the address which represents the outbound interface
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the address does not represent one of the container's outbound interfaces
java.lang.NullPointerException - on null address


Returns true if this SipSession is valid, false otherwise. The SipSession can be invalidated by calling the method invalidate() on it or if its invalidateWhenReady flag is true and it transitions to the ready-to-invalidate state. Also the SipSession can be invalidated by the container when either the associated SipApplicationSession times out or SipApplicationSession.invalidate() is invoked.
boolean true if the session is valid, false otherwise.


This method allows the application to obtain the region it was invoked in for this SipSession. This information helps the application to determine the location of the subscriber returned by SipSession.getSubscriberURI().

If this SipSession is created when this servlet receives an initial request, this method returns the region in which this servlet is invoked. The SipApplicationRoutingRegion is only available if this SipSession received an initial request. Otherwise, this method throws IllegalStateException.

The routing region (ORIGINATING, NEUTRAL, TERMINATING or their sub-regions)
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Returns the URI of the subscriber for which this application is invoked to serve. This is only available if this SipSession received an initial request. Otherwise, this method throws IllegalStateException.
URI of the subscriber
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on an invalidated session


Returns the ServletContext to which this session belongs. By definition, there is one ServletContext per sip (or web) module per JVM. Though, a SipSession belonging to a distributed application deployed to a distributed container may be available across JVMs , this method returns the context that is local to the JVM on which it was invoked.
ServletContext object for the sip application
See Also:
  • Integrated Studs1

    Integrated Studs

    RAY-CORE SIPs ® use the proven structural reliability of studs to produce a strong insulated panel that will last the lifetime of your structure. We guarantee it.. see our Ltd. Lifetime Warranty!

  • Radiant Air Barrier2

    Radiant Air Barrier

    Keep the summer heat out and the winter heat in, increasing comfort and reducing your utilities. RAY-CORE SIPs ® will save you money each month on utility bills for the lifetime of your home!

  • Easy To Handle Preinsulated Building Panel3

    Easy To Handle Preinsulated Building Panel

    If you can build with sticks, you can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®. Uses standard framing practices, no special plans, no expensive engineering, no specialized builders, no costly cranes. 'Easy-peasy'!

  • Super-Insulating Polyurethane Foam Insulation4

    Super-Insulating Polyurethane Foam Insulation

    RAY-CORE SIPs ® - highest R-value, least expensive Structural Insulated Panel on the market. Get the best for less and save by reducing your HVAC system up to 1/2. Savings could make your panels FREE!



The Builder's Choice - Fast and Easy

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Do-It-Yourself Friendly

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RAY-CORE SIPs ® Use Standard Framing Practices

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Simple - '.. basically a code complying stud wall filled with foam!!'


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As little as 52 lbs for a 4' x 8' panel!


Perfect Solution for Every Roof

Up to R-52 in a 7 ¼ inch panel!

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RAY-CORE SIPs ® Heat and Cool this

5650 Sq. Ft For Less than $85 per Month

Ask your neighbors if they can beat that!

Lowest Prices

RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels ® are the least expensive per R-value inch on the market, saving you money each month, for the lifetime of the structure. Your Panels Could Be FREE..

Learn How

Highest R-Values

RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels ® are made with the most advanced class 1 fire rated, high density closed cell polyurethane foam insulation available, offering highest R-values of over 7 per inch!..

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Easy To Use

If you can build with sticks, you can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®. Uses common framing practices, no special plans, no special expensive engineering, no high-priced certified builders required, no special tools, and no costly cranes are needed..

How To Build With RAYCORE SIPs

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RAYCORE offers free product estimates. Simply send us your floor plan and elevations, specify which insulated wall panels and insulated roof panels suit your needs, and receive an estimate in most cases less than 48 hours! Most orders can be completed within 2 to 3 weeks, and sometimes even less!.. ready for shipping and delivery.

Technical Support

RAYCORE's highly knowledgeable and construction experienced staff is here to answer your questions and understand your needs. RAY-CORE SIPs ® wants this to be your best build ever! We will always be there to keep things moving smoothly from order through delivery.

PHONE NOW: 1.877.552.2440

Lifetime Warranty

For over 30 years RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Panels combine tried and true century-old framing practices with state-of-the-art high-performance materials, and the most advanced technology, to offer the strongest and most reliable structural insulated panel on the market. We guarantee it - Warranted for the Lifetime of your Structure. Dropdmg 3 5.

  • Building Residential or Commercial? New construction or adding insulation when replacing an existing roof? RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Roof Panels are the easiest, quickest, highest R-value per inch. The most affordable SIP panel solution on the market. Lightweight and easy to handle, see why RAYCORE's roof insulation panels are a no-brainer for your next project.'>Roof Panels

    Building Residential or Commercial? New construction or adding insulation when replacing an existing roof? RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Roof Panels are the easiest, quickest, highest R-value per inch. The most affordable SIP panel solution on the market. Lightweight and easy to handle, see why RAYCORE's roof insulation panels are a no-brainer for your next project.

  • RAY-CORE Structural Insulated Wall Panels will give you a strong, super-insulated, airtight shell, keeping the outdoor elements out and the indoor conditioning in. Extremely affordable, when you use RAYCORE SIP wall panels you will be able to downsize your heating and cooling system, reducing the cost and possibly saving as much as the cost of the panels. That could make your panels free, and you will save your utility costs each month for the lifetime of your home.'>Wall Panels

    RAY-CORE Structural Insulated Wall Panels will give you a strong, super-insulated, airtight shell, keeping the outdoor elements out and the indoor conditioning in. Extremely affordable, when you use RAYCORE SIP wall panels you will be able to downsize your heating and cooling system, reducing the cost and possibly saving as much as the cost of the panels. That could make your panels free, and you will save your utility costs each month for the lifetime of your home.

  • RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Panels are quick and easy. If you know how to build with sticks, you can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®. The insulated wall panels and roof panels are, simply put, preinsulated conventional framing in a panelized form. Lightweight and easy to handle. Click below to access a step-by-step user installation manual.

    User Installation Manual

    '>How to Install

    RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Panels are quick and easy. If you know how to build with sticks, you can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®. The insulated wall panels and roof panels are, simply put, preinsulated conventional framing in a panelized form. Lightweight and easy to handle. Click below to access a step-by-step user installation manual.

  • RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels ® - SIPs are applicable to all residential plans and require no special permits, no special design and expensive engineering. Any builder can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®!

    'I think this is one of the best designs of pre-fabricated foam panels on the market..basically a code complying stud wall with foam!! Easy-peasy!' (Building Code Official)'>Residential

    RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels ® - SIPs are applicable to all residential plans and require no special permits, no special design and expensive engineering. Any builder can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®!
    'I think this is one of the best designs of pre-fabricated foam panels on the market..basically a code complying stud wall with foam!! Easy-peasy!' (Building Code Official)

  • Increase profits by reducing material and labor costs. RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Roof Panels and Wall Panels are the perfect solution that will give you the edge when bidding your next commercial project.

    'The panels went down fast and were easy to work with. Got this huge roof dried-in in no time beating the rain. Best part was that we came in well under budget! Looking forward to using RayCore sip panels again in the future.' (Commercial Roof Replacement)'>Commercial

    Increase profits by reducing material and labor costs. RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Roof Panels and Wall Panels are the perfect solution that will give you the edge when bidding your next commercial project.
    'The panels went down fast and were easy to work with. Got this huge roof dried-in in no time beating the rain. Best part was that we came in well under budget! Looking forward to using RayCore sip panels again in the future.' (Commercial Roof Replacement)

  • RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Panels ® are the perfect solution for multi-family housing, commercial projects, additions, adding roof insulation to existing roofs, tiny houses, workshops, cold rooms, walk-in coolers.. The options are endless!

    Call us now to find out how RAY-CORE SIPs ®are the perfect fit for your next project.

    '>And More..

    RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Panels ® are the perfect solution for multi-family housing, commercial projects, additions, adding roof insulation to existing roofs, tiny houses, workshops, cold rooms, walk-in coolers.. The options are endless!

    Call us now to find out how RAY-CORE SIPs ®are the perfect fit for your next project.

Building Residential or Commercial? New construction or adding insulation when replacing an existing roof? RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Roof Panels are the easiest, quickest, highest R-value per inch. The most affordable SIP panel solution on the market. Lightweight and easy to handle, see why RAYCORE's roof insulation panels are a no-brainer for your next project.

University of Minnesota Bee Discovery Center

The University of Minnesota was looking for the highest performing, energy efficient, and earth-friendly product for their Bee Pollination Education Center. A year of searching confirmed RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels ® were the perfect product at the best price. What an exciting project to be a part of! Learn More: Architect Magazine

Idaho Home Designed Around Insulated Wall & Roof Panels

Designed around RAYCORE Insulated Wall Panels and Roof Panels, this home is located in Idaho's Snake River Valley below the Tetons. Standing as a fortress against the prevailing wind and frigid Idaho winters this RAY-CORE SIPs ® house Heats with Propane for Only $30 Per Month!

Construction Professional's Energy Efficient Home

This construction industry professional wanted to build the most energy efficient home possible and Structural Insulated Panels seemed to made sense. RAY-CORE SIPs ® didn't disappoint, reducing the Gonzalez family's Energy Usage and Saving Them Money Each and Every Month!

Pennsylvania Family's SIPs Home With A View

Jeff & Jenn couldn't have chosen a more beautiful location for their new family home, at the top of the mountain with an expansive river valley view. They wanted their new home to be well insulated and secure for their growing family and RAY-CORE SIPs ® were a must have, fitting their needs!

Oregon Builder Chooses RAYCORE Roof Panels for Timber Frame

Sep 11 1023

When working on his own personal project Allen Kullgren with Artek Contracting, Inc. in Beaverton, Oregon needed a simple solution for insulating the roof of his beautiful timber frame. RAYCORE Structural Insulated Roof Panels were a logical fit for this outstanding project.

Mt. Lincoln Construction Ski Resort California Home

Breathtaking views are complimented by the unique design and superior construction of this Award Winning RAYCORE Roof Insulation project. The Crow's Nest Residence stands up to the infamous Donner's Pass elements, adjacent to Sugar Bowl, California's ski hill.

Insulated Panels At The Core of Pennsylvania Log Cabin

This beautiful 5650 sf log sided house built by has RAYCORE Insulated Wall Panels and Insulated Roof Panels at its core. A house for all seasons, located in the beautiful mountains of central Pennsylvania, this home Heats and Cools for Less Than $85 Per Month! That's Amazing!

Insulated Roof Panels End Ice Damming

John had a problem. His Truckee, California cabin had a serious roof insulation problem, producing icicles up to 5 and 6 feet long in the winter months and driving water inside the home. RAYCORE's Insulated Roof Panels put an end to the problem!

SIPs Roof Panels Withstand Bahamas Hurricanes

When building in the Bahamas, Tom knew he needed insulated roof panels that could stand up to Hurricane force winds. He didn't know they came with added benefits! Tom 'Loves' the panels. 'Low electric bills.. home cools quickly.. and is amazingly quiet when all hell is breaking loose around you.'

Insulating A Barn With SIPs

Ralph Struass with SDG Architects, Inc. in Brentwood, California is an expert at providing creative building solutions. When building his own 'barn', RAY-CORE SIPs ®, both wall panels and roof panels, were one of those creative solutions that fit the bill! Take a look at Ralph's project.

We serve residential and commercial projects all across the United States, Canada, and beyond. See the full list of service areas at the link below.

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If you have pictures and testimonials you'd like to share about our product, please send them to We really appreciate your feedback!

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The Ray-Core roof rocks! No icicles to date and the house has a history of some massive ones. Thanks again for the great new roof!

From day one my company has been about quality, the customer and how I could save them money. I have always been very interested in building a high energy efficient home. In each of my houses I try to figure out some special thing that will make my spec homes stand out and make them better than the competition. .. cutting heating and cooling bills by 40%.. RayCore is a simple way to make my spec homes far superior!

The main reason our firm uses the (RAY-CORE) panels is their energy efficiency and insulation value. We want to give our homeowners a home that will not only be comfortable but energy efficient, thus lowering utility bills and saving the homeowner money over the long term. We figure on a 1,600 square foot home the cost to be less than $2000 to build with RAY-CORE SIPs. That can easily be made up in utility bill sin the first couple years of ownership.

I can honestly say I enjoyed and benefited more from talking to you than anyone else in sales in recent memory. It is most obvious you enjoy your job; you fully understand your product; you put a sincere emphasis on helping your customer; and you fully understand what is pie in the sky and what is not. Thank You. As I said earlier, I keep a very short list of sources, and you surely have earned your spot in my list.

I think this is one of the best designs of pre-fabricated foam panels on the market because it is basically a code complying stud wall filled with foam!! Easy-peasy! This is a good wall for all you DIYers as well as contractors wanting to do a super insulated wall system that is a traditional code complying wall except it is pre-fabricated!

The SIP panels are wonderful. As soon as they were on, before the ply and everything else, we could immediately notice much improved heat retention overnight. We expect the summers to be better as well. My wife and I appreciate your assistance and willingness to answer all our many questions.

It was my responsibility to seek out and develop state of the art products for the building industry. A range of structural insulated panels (SIP) were considered. The reasons for selecting RAY-CORE over sandwich-type SIPs were significant. What we learned: Carpenters quickly learned to use them and liked them. Walls went up fast with insulation and vapor barrier already in place. When the walls were framed they were immediately weather proof. Windows were easily installed. The experience was very positive in all respects.

I'm grateful that you were able to get the panels to me much earlier than originally stated, and I'm quite happy with the ease and quickness of using these panels.

After doing a lot of research with different companies for SIPs options for our home, we are extremely grateful to have learned about your company. You've done an excellent job helping us make the right decision. We are impressed with the R-value of your panels in comparison with others that were much thicker and more expensive. Thanks for your assistance, and we look forward to receiving your panels in a few weeks!

Sep 11 1705

The project went very well and was completed many months ago to the satisfaction of the homeowner.

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